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House with exterior lighting
October 02, 2023

Suggestions For Baltimore Home Security Landscaping To Protect Your Home

Landscaping is a fantastic way to bring appeal, value, and function to your property. But it will also have an impact on your home’s security. Explore the following Baltimore home security landscaping suggestions and see how to make your home safer.

No. 1: Keep Your Yard Well Groomed

Does your yard convey the impression you want? A well-groomed landscape with a manicured lawn, clipped shrubs, and a lovely garden tells prospective burglars you’re mindful of your property. On the contrary, untended grass and weeds suggest you’re lax about your yard and may not put a priority on your home security either. Don’t convey the wrong image and make your residence more of a target.

No. 2: Brighten Your Baltimore Property

Darkness is welcomed by prowlers because they wish to stay hidden. Don’t give it to them. Instead, install varied lights all through your landscape. You likely already utilize a porch light, but you might also incorporate motion-detecting lights in certain spots like your back door or close to your garage. Try solar lights next to a walkway and accent lights near specific features you want to highlight. In so doing, you can eliminate potential hiding spots while adding a distinctive aspect to your yard. You may even set up interior smart bulbs to switch on when motion is discovered outside.

No. 3: Maintain A Clear Sightline

You ought to be able to see all parts of your yard through your windows. Keep shrubs and bushes under three feet tall so you don’t block your sightline. If you’re buying new plants, read the label to have a better idea of how big they may become. In general, it’s best to steer clear of hedges and more expansive plant life, particularly by entryways like your garage.

No. 4: Keep An Eye On Your Yard With Surveillance Systems

Exterior cameras are one of the most powerful burglary deterrents. Just having them in plain view is enough to turn away the bulk of possible thieves. Consequently, keep your video surveillance equipment in clear view but elevated enough so it can't be tampered with. When you're at work on on vacation, you can review real-time camera footage using your convenient smartphone security app. To enhance your peace of mind, updates can be delivered straight to your phone if your devices discover questionable activity.

No. 5: Defensive Flora Adds A Layer To Your Baltimore Home Security Landscaping

Not too many prowlers will try to climb through a thorny bush to reach your first-floor window. You’ll need to find plants appropriate for your climate, but you could use rose bushes, dwarf bougainvillea, holly, and gooseberry bushes as defensive vegetation. Don’t forget, your plant life must be no more than three feet tall if put next to windows, and if there are little ones in your home, they might not be the best choice.

Support Your Safety-Focused Landscape With A Home Security System In Baltimore

A modern home defense from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the perfect complement to your Baltimore home security landscaping. Our full-featured packages offer the latest tools like video surveillance, automation, and voice control. Not to mention, our sign will look fantastic in your carefully groomed yard. Call (410) 934-3289 today and customize a system to your family’s specific requirements.